Priming - effect or psychological programming in marketing

 I won't lie to you and say that marketers never influence human behavior.No, that's our job, whether you like it or not.I will now tell you how it works.

We have a website, some products and advertising on it. Then you showed up, clicked on the ad and began to figure out if you found what you were looking for. What is the first thing that catches your eye when you open a website? That's right, the background. Colors are the fastest signals you receive. By changing the background, you can make the average person highlight or ignore something on the site. Have you seen such icons?

This is a tool to influence you, not just (info) graphics. Marketers who are real, they are lazy - and will not draw something just for fun or for beauty - everything has a meaning. 

For example:

The dollar and the green background of the site are a direct motivation for profit, as if shouting in the ear of the buyer - "We have the cheapest!" When you see this, you subconsciously look for the price, conditions and try to understand why it is more profitable here. The rest is already secondary.

Fire and red background - safety. At the sight of a flame, one instinctively wants to defend against it. Here's a friendly example, and the background is white. But in general it works like this. What do you pay attention to when you want to protect yourself? That's right, for safe properties. Yes, they are often confused with special offers, but this is due to the illiteracy of some people, nothing more.

This is a fairly simple and working technique when the customer's behavior does not belong to him - he follows a scenario (you are also led down this path more often than you think or can imagine), which ends with a sale.


"The reception does not work, our contractor has created a website - and there is a fire there, it does not work"

Ask the contractor why there is a fire. Techniques, you need to be able to use it, there is no point in putting it at the end of the page or highlighting a line for it. If the specialist did the technique consciously, then the technique works - the only question is how often. If it was made for beauty, then of course, it does not work the way you wanted it to - it will just be a decorative element.

"We have a B2B company, it didn't work for us"

And it won't work. This is pure B2C. The difference is that at work, the purchasing manager does not buy for himself and his goal is to find as many relevant offers as possible in the shortest possible time. This goal is the first signal to buy - and the supplier follows this scenario, and rightly so. You should get to know your target audience better - this will help create a website that will be simple and enjoyable for it, and applications will start pouring in.

"Everybody is like that, we want to stand out"

Name the most popular car brand in your opinion and look at the ads for the sale of this particular model. We are interested in their number. There are many of them, not because they are not for sale. Just because there are so many of them selling well.

The principle is the same here. If you want to be different from your competitors, then this should be done not at this stage, but much earlier, at the stage of branding, company idea or product development, for example. Used wisely, it will not interfere with your "selection" in the least and will work.

The biggest problem with the concept:

Just one word - savings.

No, I'm serious. How does it work? - Where a company has a problem, someone solved it and offered to try others. If others succeed - here's a working chip. Immediately some large corporation finds it, invests a lot of money in it and the chip is ready - formalized and working. Then, all and sundry begin to replicate it, even those who do not understand why it is so necessary.

In such work, you pay for the time. And a specialist needs to think, test a hypothesis and implement it, if it is successful, and if not, redo it. And if the task has a limited budget, deadlines and unformalized requirements, then the total will be a site thoughtlessly licked off by someone, but the main colors will be corporate. Nobody will be happy with such work. I am not saying that the performers are bad for modest money - they just fulfill the task.

Another point is that the contractor must say what he can do for $ 100 and what differences will be from what the customer wanted, and at the same time calculate how much the customer's wishlist really costs, what is missing and what is superfluous. But in an ideal world, but in reality, the customer may not listen. And then the question of the performer - does he need such a customer?

Have a nice day, and remember that good marketing, like all good, is expensive, and cheap decisions are your choice and, with the consequences of your choice, work for you, and fixing is always more expensive than doing well initially.


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